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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Beginners Guide to Golf Course Safety

Beginners Guide to Golf Course Safety
by Troy Degarnham
March 21, 2006

Golf courses come with their own set of safety rules that you need to follow so that you can be assured of your safety and the safety of your fellow golfers. Perhaps the most important thing that you need to remember is to pay attention to the other golfers that are around you. When you’re ready to swing your club make sure that you know exactly where the other players are and that they are at a safe distance away from you.

It’s important that you avoid swinging golf clubs when there are other golfers near to you. Even if you’re just doing some practice swings without a ball you’ll want to be in an area where there are no other golfers. And if you’re playing with beginner golfers you’ll want to make sure that they adhere to this safety rule as well.

Keep your head up so that you’re aware of where other people are playing. Even though you follow the safety rule of knowing where other players are doesn’t mean that everyone else does. If you have to move into another fairway to play a shot that got out of control, or to retrieve a ball, make sure that pay attention to other players nearby. If you hear someone yell “fore” keep a head up so that you know where the shot is coming from.

There will be times when you’re shooting your ball that your shot will go longer than expected or go off in a direction that you hadn’t planned on taking. Yell “fore” as loud as you can so that other players can get a heads up that there is ball somewhere that is out of control.

You should never hit your golf ball into the group playing ahead of you. Even if you have to stall your game until the next group moves forward you’ll have to wait. Another thing to keep in mind is that you should never hit your ball in anger when you’re frustrated with the game. Take a deep breath and remember the rules of golf courses so that you play safely.

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Written by Troy Degarnham, the webmaster and creator of a large directory of Golf Courses


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